Thursday, August 17, 2023


Dear Sir, I have investor that want to invest $6.8 Billion into a company that needs fund for expansion only.He can not invest the money to new Companies that want to start up but into Companies that has been making good profits but needs funds for EXPANSION. His Area of concentrations are Real Estate, Biotech,Textiles , Information technology, Pharmaceuticals , Oil & Energy Industries, Mining...

Friday, February 3, 2023


Dear Sir, I have investor that want to invest $6.8 Billion into a company that needs fund for expansion only.He can not invest the money to new Companies that want to start up but into Companies that has been making good profits but needs funds for EXPANSION. His Area of concentrations are Real Estate, Biotech,Textiles , Information technology, Pharmaceuticals , Oil & Energy Industries, Mining...

Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Turbo Kawasaki Z1-R Bikes and A Bonneville Nod to Charlie Toys Efforts

Turbocharged Kawasaki Z Motorcycles have always been the baddest bikes on the block. No bikes compare. Just like Ozzy Osbourne is the craziest mother***ker of all rock stars that ever existed the Z1R-TC is the meanest beast to ever hit the streets in the 70's. The Kawasaki Z1R-TC was remarkably overpowered...

Friday, January 20, 2017

Hotrod Super Custom Sportster by Fred Kodlin - cyrilhuseblog

Fred Kodlin's New Custom Sportster From the Italy Motor Bike Expo. First in line to unveil his new project at the 2017 Italy International Motor Bike Expo (MBE) was Fred Kodlin. His Sportster 1200 was commissioned by Custom Chrome Europe for their yearly “Bolt-On And Ride” program. This program...

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Post to Blogs Email Addresses

Send random posts to Blog of the Monkey:onebadmonkey.miscposts@blogger.com Send bike posts to Blog of the    From: Damien Toy [] Sent: Thursday, September...

Yamaha xt350 Enduro/Street 1986

1986 Yamaha xt350 Enduro/Street - $1550  1986 Yamaha xt350condition: goodengine displacement (CC): 350fuel: gasodometer: 1900paint color: whitetitle status: cleantransmission: manualOnly 1900 miles, everything worksAlso 1988 model available- see other...

Monday, July 13, 2015

Pluto’s Revealed - Just Hours Away – A Guide and Timetable

Pluto’s Time to Shine Just Hours Away – A Guide and Timetable Tuesday, July 14 7:30 to 8 a.m. – Arrival at Pluto! Countdown program on NASA TVAt approximately 7:49 a.m., New Horizons is scheduled to be as close as the spacecraft will get to Pluto, approximately 7,800 miles (12,500 km) above the...

Monday, June 15, 2015

Friday, May 22, 2015

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

digitally borrow almost anything from your library : Hoopla

Hoopla lets you digitally borrow almost anything from your library Today the Hoolpa service and apps added e-books and comic to its media library of audiobooks, movies, TV shows and albums. While the app has always synced with local libraries, it wasn't until today that the app was meant for...

Friday, May 8, 2015

Properly Mix Keywords & Compelling Content: In-Depth & Step By Step

How To Marry Keywords & Compelling Content: In-Depth & Step By Step The death of keywords has been a bit exaggerated. Despite Google’s efforts to move towards entity search (“things, not strings“), understanding the words that people use to search for things is likely to continue...