Turbocharged Kawasaki Z Motorcycles have always been the baddest bikes on the block. No bikes compare.

The Kawasaki Z1R-TC was remarkably overpowered and under engineered. For the times it was so ridiculously over-the-top it's almost funny to think that it was sold through official dealers. The TC was barely a production model but more of a dealer special put together to lure power-mad riders into Kawasaki showrooms. That was a good idea (when is ridiculous horsepower not) if at best marginally successful... Buyers were required to sign a legal waiver and forfeit the standard warranty. Only 500 or so were built.

The Z1-R was already crazy fast. The TC was it's Psychopathic cousin who now only shows up for occasional bike shows.
The rest of the imagery can speak for itself but let us not forget the never publicised achievements of the fastest Kawasaki Z bike EVER... The Protoys Racing multi Bonneville Land Speed Racing SCTA/BNI world record turbo charged Z1R race bike.
This bike was going over 240mph WAY before anyone ever heard of a Hayabusa.

Pay close attention to how many land speed record motorcycles have the "Charlie Toy Body" on their bikes. That fairing was hand built to fit the custom frame and achieve multiple 200 Mph Club records which stood against bikes 20 years newer for years.
Look for name Charlie Toy in the record books and check the dates, speeds and duration of his records if you want to see what can be achieved with a KZ and a "Really Big Fucking Turbo."

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