Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

[php]pdf files to thumbnail PHP

godaddy and imagemagick make me unhappy.. [php]pdf files to thumbnail PHP Server Side Scripting forum at WebmasterWorld "Hi, i want to generate a previeiw´tghumbnail of a pdf file. so far i figured out that ghostwrite and imagemagick is needed. so i asked my hoster to install it. i found a script...

Create Thumbnails of PDF files in PHP, Java, Perl, or Ruby? - Yahoo! Answers

Create Thumbnails of PDF files in PHP, Java, Perl, or Ruby? - Yahoo! Answers Best Answer - Chosen by AskerIt is possible in PHP, although you were right, you need a few libraries. ImageMagic: http://us3.php.net/imagick Ghostscript: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ghostscr… Then, this code...

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

WORST BEER EVER: Mountain Crest Classic - Minhas Craft [read: CRAP] Brewery - Monroe, WI - BeerAdvocate

WORST BEER EVER.. It will clean you out, thoroughly! Mountain Crest Classic - Minhas Craft Brewery - Monroe, WI - BeerAdvocate Mountain Crest Classic  BA SCORE N/A - 8 ReviewsTHE BROS N/A - send 'em beer »rAvg: 2.64 pDev: 20.83% High: 3.1 Low: 1.28 Ratings [?] Displayed for educational...