Mountain Crest Classic - Minhas Craft Brewery - Monroe, WI - BeerAdvocate
Mountain Crest Classic
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Brewed by: Minhas Craft Brewery Wisconsin, United States Style | ABV American Adjunct Lager | 5.50% ABV Notes: Year-round. Serving types had: can (8). No other notes at this time. |
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Reviewed from notes. A. Transparent pee-yellow with a short lived foam collar, no real lacing at all to speak of. S. Smells like apple/pear juice mixed with simple syrup sweetener from a bar dispenser. T. Rotting potatoes, sugary sweetness combined with acidic vomitous bile, with a very long extended rusty metal finish. Wow. If it were possible to rate a zero out of five I would without hesitation. Seriously, a very pervasive rotten potatoes flavor either speaks for an infected can or a very terrible beer. M. Light, thin and watery, but not quite carbonated enough to clear the metallic / acid haze from my mouth. Oh dear lord, this one was really quite terrible. I recommend staying the hell away from this "beer". Even if I had happened to get some kind of infected can, I am not willing to subject myself to the contents of another on the off-chance that it might be better, that was how bad it was. It is just not worth the risk. Serving type: can Reviewed on: 03-17-2012 22:19:29id: 1760944 |
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