Quoted from blog.f-i.com:
"Many weeks spent in discovery yielded a series of insights that equated to a world-class primer on how people read the news. Informed by natural behaviors – Mom starts with the Life section, Dad with Sports, for example – one key insight was that it’s very rare for any reader to consume the entire newspaper from front to back. Any UX or Visual designer could pick up our comprehensive analysis and within hours be an expert ready to deliver on the designated vision established. Very quickly the framework took shape, and a brilliant disruption of the section-by-section analog convention was the basis of our philosophy.
Essentially creating one long page for each section, the hovering articles became the heroes, and this philosophy became the basis for the entire experience. An added benefit to this simplified approach is that the resulting flat architecture made for massive efficiencies in the development of UX and Design templates. This modular approach offered economies of time, effort, and total costs as well. Instead of unique layouts for each and every section, we found the critical path toward most sensible delivery of a vastly diverse set of information. This provided a streamlined and flexible format that catered to user needs, as well as the swift evolution of ever-changing news cycles. "
Full article here: USAToday.com: Redesigning One of America’s Most Popular News Sites
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