Monday, December 17, 2012

60 Really Cool and Creative Error 404 Pages

60 Really Cool and Creative Error 404 Pages 60 Really Cool And Creative Error 404 PagesHaving a good Error 404 page is perhaps as important as having great contents. Sometimes it may not be your fault visitors landed on error pages, but being able to communicate and direct them back to the home page...

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Monday, December 3, 2012

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Black Moto Metal Wheels

Black Moto Metal Wheels: Black Moto Metal Wheels - $700 (Lexington, NE)Date: 2012-11-27, 6:58PM CSTReply to this post[?]I've got 16" black moto metals with 265/75/16 fierce mud terrains, the bolt-pattern is 6X5.5-$700obo I've got the spacers and wheel...

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Plastidip Experiments

Plastidip Experiments Plastidip ExperimentsI was a little bored on Saturday so I thought I would mess around with the plastidip spray and practice a couple of techniques to see what worked and what doesn't. All plastidip test were applied to a painted/clearcoat substrate for the experiments(no, not on my car). Masking: Masked off a two inch wide stipe about 3 inches long Four light coats of Plastidip...

Tinting plasti-dip - Plasti Dip

Glitter or powered reflective material? Tinting plasti-dip [Archive] - Plasti Dip® Community Forum: " I normally would recommend watching Maynard G the Mix Master on YouTube but I can't get through more than about a minute of his antics and his ballpoint pens. lol. With the experimentation we've done, liquid tints don't work. We've gone through solvent based and enamel based. They...

Monday, November 26, 2012

How to model a motorbike fairing using NURBS

How to model a motorbike fairing using NURBS How to model a motorbike fairing using NURBSHi there, this is a tutorial on how to model a fairly smooth and organic-looking fairing of a Suzuki GSX-1300 Hayabusa motorbike We're going to be using both patch modeling ,more specifically,a technique called...

Unstructured Grids for OpenFOAM With Blender and enGrid 1.2 · enGits/engrid Wiki · GitHub

Unstructured Grids for OpenFOAM With Blender and enGrid 1.2 · enGits/engrid Wiki · GitHub Blah Blah Blah Creating GeometriesThe next step is to create a neat sphere object inside of our fluid domain. Therefore we change back to Object mode and press Shift + A. In the pop up menu we select Add...

Best mesh generation software for OpenFOAM -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

Best mesh generation software for OpenFOAM -- CFD Online Discussion Forums For Calculix, you can first model a surface in Blender and then import that surface into Calculix to be extruded. I posted the import script and brief tutorials in a few other threads. Blender is at . D...

convert blender mesh to openfoam - Google Search

convert blender mesh to openfoam - Google Search Combined Use of Blender with Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View These Blender materials eventually translate to OpenFOAM patches. The decision ....CalculiX before sending the mesh with individual patches to&nb...

Mesh generation for Wind Tunnel -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

Mesh generation for Wind Tunnel -- CFD Online Discussion Forums I need to do this on the cheap as the Greenpower electric car racing is for secondary schools in the UK where pupils and the parents design, build and race electric cars. I was hoping I could create a mesh as follows: 1. Create a simple car design using Pro/Designer...

OpenFOAM Motorbike Tutorial - Vespa Labs

OpenFOAM Motorbike Tutorial - Vespa Labs OpenFOAM Motorbike TutorialIn Work - some information may be wrong! Also updating to OpenFOAM 2.1.1The basis of the Vespa CFD modelling (to start with at least) is the OpenFOAM Motorbike tutorial. Here are some notes on that tutorial, the first thing that people...

CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Totalsim

CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Totalsim TotalSim engineers are experienced in understanding customer requirements and advising on the intelligent use of CFD alongside other test resources.Our fluid dynamics consultancy services include:Product design development – TotalSim are experts in applying...

CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Totalsim

CFD | Computational Fluid Dynamics | Totalsim TotalSim are vendors of the Sculptor and 3-matic software products as well as offering a hardware solution in the form of a computer array. See sample specification below.SoftwareSculptor software from Optimal Solutions allows parametric shape deformations...

OpenFOAM for MS windows binary release | Free Science & Engineering software downloads at

OpenFOAM for MS windows binary release | Free Science & Engineering software downloads at OpenFOAM for MS windows binary release Prealpha apostol 44 Recommendations 150 Downloads (This Week) Last Update: 2010-05-11  DownloadOpenFOAM-1.5.00b-wininst.exeBrowse All FilesWindows This is the native MS windows release of OpenFOAM, an open...