Monday, November 26, 2012

Mesh generation for Wind Tunnel -- CFD Online Discussion Forums

Mesh generation for Wind Tunnel -- CFD Online Discussion Forums
I need to do this on the cheap as the Greenpower electric car racing is for secondary schools in the UK where pupils and the parents design, build and race electric cars. 

I was hoping I could create a mesh as follows: 
1. Create a simple car design using Pro/Designer CAD or Blender and export the design as an STL file. 
2. Use blockMesh to generate a basic wind tunnel mesh with inlet and outlet with an appropriate number of blocks. 
3. Use the cellSet utility to remove the cells from the wind tunnel inside the CAD STL surface. 
4. Use cellSet ? to create a named patch (wall ?) from internal STL surface. 
5. Use this resulting mesh with the turbFoam solver. 

I am new to this. Is this sort of approach likely to work (I only need basic results, accuracy is not required) ? 
If so any pointers on how to do this ? I have managed to generate the wind tunnel mesh and have removed the inside of the STL surface. The documentation for the mesh utilities seems very spartan ... I am unclear on: 

1. How to set the default mesh from the mesh and the cell sets created. I have used subsetMesh and then copied the "0.005" directory created over "0". Is there a correct way to do this ? 

2. How to create the named patch/walls for the internal STL surface. 




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